We believe that every person has a unique way of being a change agent and Base is fertile soil that stimulates and potencializes this to the real world.
For this reason, we created a journey of co-creation of projects to address the most emerging challenges of society and serve as a seed for us to reinvent our way of living.
This journey is perfect for those who want:
Learning: understand our way of thinking about impact
Connection: a pause in your busy routines to breathe and connect with yourself, others and the world
Action: experiment Theory U in practice and e co-create emerging futures
Free time: use your free time with a project that improves your community
How does it work?
The journey is 100% online and live, for the co-creation of social projects, with expert facilitators, using the Theory U methodology, and having access to the network and expertise of Base Colaborativa.
There are 6 meetings throughout 2,5 weeks, summing up 24 hours of experience,
with a lot of connection, warmth, and action.
Do you want to become a member of Base Colaborativa?
Dreams that are dreamed together are reality, and if you have the same dream as us and want to help us achieve our mission, see how to become a member here.
Cannot invest this money now but really want to participate?
We have free spots in all of our courses, especially because (i) we want Base to be more DIVERSE, and (ii) we want to allow more access to those that at the moment cannot afford the costs but want to participate.
Learn about projects that were made in our last edition
Jornada Reconectar
We want to awaken an individual and collective feeling of belonging to nature, generating a sense of collectivity, identity, trust, and distributed intelligence to promote more sustainable communities. To do so, we will create a journey that will consist of support groups to reinforce and stimulate who is in search of re-connection with Nature and the change of certain habits. This journey will last 21 days, the time necessary to initiate a change in habits.
Gabriela Guidara
We launched a survey and had two main discoveries: health professionals are in panic and users do not consider themselves part of the health system. Our objective is to recognize these professionals handing them a long-distance hug in the form of a kit: affection in a sweet, calmness in a token with breathing techniques that reduce anxiety, recognition in a sticker, and last, a lot of connection through a letter.
Rubia Gouveia
A movement that values art, looks to disseminate the conscience of the importance of artistic content being paid to generate a positive cycle where powers raise money and distribute it to other art professionals. All people benefited have to give something in return to society.
Júlia Neiva
Income and Employability
Jardim da Família
A group of volunteers engaged in using their access and knowledge as fertilizer to help families flower during the crisis.
Cindy Carbonari
Rádio Estação
The objective is to create a comfortable and safe space so people can offer their empathetic and active listening so that others can tell their stories.
João Níkolas
Escutar para cuidar
A collaborative support network with the creation of a page with open space of speech and listening, so that we can transform the world together.
Nauana Tavares
Saúde Conecta
Using two platforms, the SUS hospitals will have resources and materials to offer their team of doctors, nurses, attendants, and cleaners all the security equipment needed for them to perform their activities, focusing on their collaborators' and patients' health. Other than that, the affection in the message that you write will be a thank you and a hug that we cannot give today.
Carol Aquino
Natália Freitas
Carolina Bozza
"My greatest learning during this journey is what Base teaches me every day, since the first moment that we connected: first the people, then the projects. we are only love 💚”.
"It was super worth it !!! As I like to say, hope is not believing it will work, but believing that it is worth it. I think a path appeared to co-create projects."
Vinícius Paro
"It was a great gift, rich in knowledge and learning, especially in a time that requires hope, patience, and resilience."
Compartilhe com quem você acredita ter os pré-requisitos para ser uma Aquarela
Jornada é para todes!
O Aquarela integra diversidade nos nossos programas de desenvolvimento humano! Se você possui algum marcador social, como ser periférico, preto, indígena, refugiado, PCD, egresso, membro da comunidade LGBTQIA+ e/ou possui mais de 60 anos e não tem condições de arcar com os valores do curso, se inscreve aqui!
Deixe seu contato para ser avisado das próximas edições